Uniqueness is part of the human condition

We all like to think of ourselves as being at least a little bit special. If you’re a job seeker, not only is special good, it’s badge that you should be wearing boldly and with pride.
Where to begin?
Let’s start with your resume. Forget the templates and the formulas. What makes you stand out? If length of experience is your strong point, that’s what needs to be emphasized. If your educational background is exceptional, that hiring manager had better recognize it at a glance. Maybe there are measurable milestones in your history (i.e. sales increase, new product launch, cost containment.) If it’s something that you can put a number on, shout those numbers out loud.
As more and more companies seek a diverse workforce, if you’re a multinational candidate, you may have a leg up. However, you need to make certain that everyone involved in your job search knows your eligibility or residency status.
Hiring managers like to see growth and progression. If you’ve been with one employer for more than a decade, you need to demonstrate some progression. Whether it’s moving to another division, changes in job titles or responsibilities, in order for you to stand out, that needs to stand out.
On the other hand, if you’ve been out of the workforce for sometime (by choice or by chance,) you need to be ready with an explanation why. More often than not, if it’s well thought out, your explanation will come across as valid and justified. What you don’t want is that moment of panic which leads to stammering and stuttering followed by an off-the-cuff excuse.
Which leads to the question: how many jobs? There was a time when an older candidate with three or more jobs was treated as a pariah. That’s not the case anymore so you need not be overly concerned about hiding jobs.
Want to stand out to a hiring manager or recruiter? Don’t just send your resume with a cover letter. Send it via FedEx. Those are certain to be opened and noticed.
After you’ve gotten your foot in the door, maintaining that top-of-mind awareness with a recruiter is essential. The best part is that most recruiters welcome consistent and regular follow up.
Whatever makes you special, is what you are and what you have to sell. After all, you are selling you.