The tough get going

A sage admonition from our high school football coach: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” There’s a lot of truth there. As Winston Churchill once said, “If you are going through hell, keep going.”
And just what does that have to do with your job search? Consider, just because some business activity has stopped or slowed or become uncertain, it doesn’t mean that you have to cease or slow down as well.
Don’t take our word for it
Recently we ran an item from that talked about keeping your job search going when hiring slows down. For the record, the author cited five points essential to maintaining your job search. They were:
1 - Be even more vigilant of your status in existing searches.
2 - Consider flexible arrangements to make it easier for prospective employers to say, “Yes.”
3 - Prioritize efforts to get more leads into your pipeline.
4 - Revisit old bosses and colleagues who already know, like and trust you.
5 - Differentiate yourself with a positive attitude.
These five tips are not only excellent advice during normal times, but they are especially important during a tough economic environment.
Why? If you read through them once again, what do you notice? All five activities can be pursued without ever having to have direct contact with another human being. Thanks to online job postings, social media and Zoom interviews, you can keep your job search in high gear just by following those five simple steps.
There. Tough or not, it’s time to get going.