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What’s Your Job Search Plan?

If you’re having trouble with your search, you may need a new plan

➔ Here’s a tired old phrase: Plan your work. Work your plan. As trite as it may seem, there is a lot of truth and wisdom there. And this is as true for a job search as it is for a job itself.

Chances are that you’re probably doing (or have done) a lot of planning in your job search. Updating your resume. Creating a list of target companies as well as target individuals with whom to meet. Identifying job-seeker groups and networking events. There’s more, but that’s a pretty good list for starters.

Focus. Focus. Focus.

Sometimes it’s difficult to sit down and really focus on how to go about it. You spend your days responding to ads, submitting your resume online, making phone calls, sending and responding to emails, etc. Then there are the meetings with contacts, recruiters, And that doesn’t include actual job interviews. And since you’re “home” all day, there are family and domestic responsibilities as well.

So when can a job seeker find the time to plan a job search?

There is good advice that is usually given to those independents who work from home and other entrepreneurs who also face a dearth of time for planning. It’s simple. You schedule your planning time as you would anything else.

Pick a day (or even a half day) where you don’t anticipate having any hard appointments and schedule yourself to prepare your plan. It’s best to get away from home and the distractions that accompany it. An ideal location is your neighborhood library. Most libraries have secluded, or semi-secluded work areas where you can sit down and focus on the issue at hand.

No interruptions. No distractions. Just you and your plan. Even leave your phone at home – or at least turn it off. You’ll be amazed at what you can develop when you block everything else out and focus solely on your job search plan.

An added benefit of going to the library is that, if you need any assistance, information or research, it’s all right there. Reference librarians can be extremely helpful.

But you have to take it seriously. When you’ve scheduled that time, stick to it. If something comes up, work around it. That day is your time and yours alone.


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