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This Time It’s Personal

Fortunately for the 50+ job seeker, you have many chances to make it personal

➔ Despite all the technological changes that have invaded the job search world in recent years, the familiar adage “people hire people” still rings true. Fortunately, there remain numerous opportunities for you, the job seeker, make it personal.

Let’s start with the new technology that may have had the greatest impact on job seeking over the past couple of decades – LinkedIn. One sure way to expand your network and/or to possibly gain a foothold into one of your target companies is to utilize LinkedIn. You will be far more likely to advance your job search if you add a personal note to any request to join with someone on LinkedIn.

Going the extra mile

Rather than simply clicking “connect,” you always have the option to write a personal note along with your invitation. Take advantage of it. Make reference to a mutual acquaintance, or to your interest in the company, anything to make it appear that you’re not just randomly seeking LinkedIn connections.

This is especially true if you were referred to someone by a mutual acquaintance – whether it’s LinkedIn, email or something else. Always be certain to include your referral.

If you’re fortunate enough to land an interview, be certain to refer to your interviewer by name – even if it’s only the last name. Refrain from using a first name unless (or until) invited to do so by the other party.

Your follow-up thank you note is yet another opportunity to make a personal connection. Refer to something you discussed in your interview, or refer to something you have in common such as school attendance, city of residence (current or former), hobby, etc.

Making your contacts personal humanizes you in their eyes. And, like the old adage says, people hire people. You’re ahead of the game if they see you as a person rather than a candidate and if you make them feel the same.


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