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The Best Kind of Networking

Networking is a numbers game – and the best number is one

Many (including we here at the Nifty50s) have extolled the benefits of networking as a critical component of your j

ding something known as “targeted networking” and what it brings to the table.

If there are several kinds of networking, what is the best? What is the most effective networking strategy you can employ?

How about 1-on-1 networking? Mano a mano?

What is it? Just what it suggests. You and one other person. This can take the form of meeting someone for coffee or an after-work beverage. This could be a phone call with a former colleague or vendor (or even a former competitor). It also could be the informational interview. Same format: 1-on-1. Talk about quality time.

The bottom line is that it’s all about building a relationship with that one person. Think about it. You have a captive audience of one. This is your big chance to sell yourself. Maybe not for a specific position, but letting that individual know that you are available and interested. That you have talents that can benefit organizations.

If it’s your first meeting with that person, do whatever you can to plan for a return visit – to establish a relationship. This is not the time for a one-night stand. Or, a one-and-done. Make that person feel confident in becoming an advocate for you during your job search.

P.S. A word to the wise. After you’ve secured a position, don’t shut that person out. You’ve established a relationship, let’s keep it going.


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