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Take Two

There is no chance for a “do over” in a live performance

Sometimes one wonders if interview preparation can ever be “over stressed.” When you know your stuff going into an interview you’ll most likely comes across as being more confident, more assertive, more authoritative and, of course, more knowledgeable.

And, like the age-old adage, you only get one chance to make a first impression. You only get one chance to positively impress your interviewer.

A good analogy comes from the theatrical world. Typically, stage actors always seem so much more poised than movie and television actors. Why? It’s simple really. One stage, they have been thoroughly rehearsed; there is no chance for “take two”; there are no “do-overs.” You don’t get a second chance. If you forget your lines, miss your mark, miss a cue… you’re done. You’re laid bare for all the audience to see. And, if you’re old enough to remember “live” television (think Sid Caesar, Ed Sullivan, you’re familiar with the concept.

But in the sheltered world of motion pictures and contemporary television, actors have the chance for a second, third – or as many as they need – “takes” to get it right. Need proof? How many “blooper” shows and YouTube “blooper” videos are there? If movie and television actors couldn’t “do it again,” they would put the blooper people out of business.

But live, on stage, that’s another story. Just like your job interview.

In virtually all instances, you’ve got the time to study your lines. Information about past employers and positions; all the anecdotes pertaining to your major accomplishments, they should be committed to memory and well rehearsed. Speaking them out loud as you would in your interview during the drive to the interview is a good idea. You get to hear yourself say the words and study your inflections, etc.

Sufficiently rehearsed, you should be ready for “show time!” during your interview. And that is your opportunity to bask in the spotlight.


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