You may learn something from the trials and tribulations of others
➔ They say that misery loves company. Maybe that’s the rationale behind the jobs group.
You get a bunch of people who are looking for jobs – and they’re not happy about it – and they share their own personal misery with everyone else in the group. Everyone cries on each other’s shoulders and then they go home.
Too Harsh?
OK. That may be a little bit harsh; a little bit too much of a stinging observation of the jobs group. Job groups have their place in the entire process of the job search and they do play a very important role. Many people have benefitted mightily from them.
So there are benefits to job groups. Absolutely. But like most everything else, you get out of it what you put into it.
What can you, the job seeker, expect to gain from a jobs group? Well, first and foremost, you’ll realize that you’re not alone. There are many, many people who share your fate. And that alone is comforting.
You may find real-time leads on job openings or perhaps a contact name at one of your target companies. You may learn tips on resumes, interviews, or the overall job market. Many jobs groups will bring in a featured speaker to address issues such as maximizing your interaction with something like LinkedIn.
It’s also a networking opportunity where you don’t have to feel like you’re “on” your best performance. Chances are, there is no one in the group who can hire you, so you many feel more inclined to let your guard down.
Another positive aspect of the jobs group is that they won’t command a major commitment of time. At most they’ll meet once a week. This presents the opportunity for you to belong to more than one group – more than one opportunity to land your next position.