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In the Final Analysis

Feeling overwhelmed by advice, simple is still the best

We publish Nifty50s three times each week. In each edition, there are seven articles plus our tip of the day – a grand total of eight. Multiplied by three times, that’s a total of 24 items per week. Not bad but it’s still only a portion of what’s out there.

Overflowing in all this information, there is a seemingly endless parade of advice, insights, experiences, tips and tricks, etc., etc. Taking into consideration all the articles, all the videos and podcasts, all the seminars and webinars, all the LinkedIn instruction; despite all the jobs boards, despite all the support groups – these all exist only to provide the job seekers with a system, a process to help in finding another job.

For the 50+ much of this information is critical. Critical because the job market and the job-search process has changed so radically since most of the mature job seekers last pounded the pavement. So most of it is essential in finding a job later in life.

While all that is true, in the end, the key to finding another job comes down primarily to you. You as an individual and how you work your system or your process. And not just you, but people in general.

Sure, we know all about the impersonal applicant tracking systems (ATS) and how they work to take people out of the process. But for most job seekers, it’s still all about people. You. The people you know. The people you encounter while networking. The people with whom you interview – on information basis or in pursuit of an actual opening.

Despite the system, despite the automation, people still hire people. There’s no way around it.



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