In a job search, no question is too basic
➔ What Are You Looking For? Well, a job is the obvious answer. Alright. But let’s look past the forest for the trees. Let’s peel that onion back just a little and see what’s really there.
Yes. You’re looking for a job. Is that it? A job? Any job? Or are you looking for the next step in your career path? Are you looking for a particular kind or level of position? And, just as important, what are you willing to settle for? These are all critically important questions you need to ask yourself before putting yourself out there.
And that’s just the beginning
But, wait. There’s more. Maybe it’s remuneration. Are you looking for a certain salary level? Just as we noted earlier, is there a number below which you can’t accept any position? How hard and fast are you with that number?
A lot is said these days about culture fit. How important is an organization’s culture to you? How comfortable would you be working in an environment that runs against your grain? If you’re accustomed to a fast-paced, high-energy environment, would you be comfortable in a low-key, laid back culture? Maybe such a change would be welcome, or… anathema.
These are questions that you really must address first. Your answers will help establish your clarity of vision regarding your next position. And, how you answer them will affect many other facets of your job search as well. You’ll be less likely to waste time and effort running down blind alleys.
Your answers will determine your approach to networking – both individual networking – who you invite for coffee or who you seek out for informational interviews – as well as group networking – will you be going to the local chamber luncheon or a meeting of a professional society? Those decisions will be driven by your strategies.
Before you start on your journey – especially a journey of such importance – it helps to know what the end game looks like.