Your odds are better if you don’t

➔ This is not a new concept. We’ve heard this from several recruiters over the past several years. And although we’re not aware of any “formal” research done on the subject, we don’t doubt that it’s true.
Chances are that your next job will come from someone you don't know today.
When good isn’t good enough
The savvy job seeker does all the right things and does them well. Cover letter. Resume. Networking. Interview preparation. Interview techniques. Done well, when all is said and done, those things should find you a job.
The other thing that most recruiters and job search consultants seem to agree on is that networking is the single most important tactic in your job search. We heard a recruiter comment recently on the 80/20 rule of job seeking: success can be attributed to 80 percent networking and 20 percent everything else – everything from working LinkedIn, applying online, working with recruiters,
Given that weighted proportion in favor of networking, maybe our earlier statement is true. Chances are that your next job will come from someone you don't know today.
And how will you find that “someone you don’t know today”? Mostly likely, that would be networking. And that would not be surprising.