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Choosing the Right Recruiter

Not all recruiters are created equal

➔ As a job seeker you need to be aware of the three kinds of recruiters who are out there and how they are different. The three types of recruiters are corporate, retained and contingent.

Which is best for you?

In short, the corporate recruiter handles openings and secure candidates only for one company. The retained recruiter is hired, and paid (in full or in part) up front by the employer to provide quality candidates for a particular position. The contingent recruiter is only paid when they provide a candidate who is hired.

Which recruiter is best suited for a particular job depends on the type of job itself as well as the employer. All three types have their own roles to play in the job seeking game.

The corporate and retained recruiters generally are more focused and more selective. While they work mostly on quality, the contingent recruiters work mostly on quantity. Contingent recruiters tend to more interested in the most possible employers, with the most possible openings, so that they can provide the most possible candidates.

The contingent recruiters tend to play a numbers game, sending out as many resumes as possible to as many employers as possible. While that may be appropriate for particular instances, there is the danger that your resume will be passed around town with little regard for your qualifications.

It’s important to know that you can request that a contingent recruiter not forward your resume to any employer without your knowledge. If they won’t agree to that stipulation, it may be in your best interest to move on.

Recruiters – of all types – play an important role in the job search. But, as with any other service, it’s incumbent upon you to do your due diligence. Check with colleagues, other job seekers, etc., to determine which type of recruiter and which recruiter is best for your situation.


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